Frequently Asked Questions


Q. I’m think of coming along, can I Just rock up without a ticket?

A. We limit our places in our classes, as we don’t like to over crowd, so we don’t cater for walk-ins, all events and all attending require a ticket, no ticket no entry.

Q. I’m new to all this, do I need my own rope?

A. We don’t expect people to race out and buy their own rope on day one. So we can provide rope for you to use in our classes and lessons. All other events you will need your own.

Q. Do you also sell rope and Shibari equipment then?

A. There are many many places that sell Shibari rope, We can guide you through the different types or rope and point you in the right direction. Plus we can sell it to you as well, supporting the local Dojo is a great way to help us out.

Q. I don’t have a rope partner, how do I find someone to tie with?

A. This is a common question. There are many forums online that cater to the Shibari Community you can post on there that you’re looking for a rope friend. Attending local gatherings that cater for like minded individuals is a great way as well. Talking to people at these event can give you an understanding of each other and wants and needs. Vetting comes next, ask questions from other people about your possible new rope partner, don’t forget to add in your boundaries before you start.

Q. What is the cost of coming along?

A. We try to keep the cost down for everything that we do. Understand that the cost of living does make it hard for some people. But we still have to charge as we have over heads. Our beginners classes are around the $25 mark, we have a maximum of 8 couples per class. Our workshops range greatly in price. Depending if we have an international guest Instructor, Interstate guest instructor or a local one. And finally our rope jams we charge $20 pp.

Q. What should I wear and what should I bring along to classes?

A. Comfortable Gym wear is totally fine to tie in. Bring your water bottle a snack if your like, and a positive happy attitude that’s open to learning.