Nawa Musubi Workshop Day 1
Nawa Musubi brings a day of Challenging and Tricky Partials
March 29th 10:00am - 5:00pm
Whilst the day will be fully focused on partials, don’t think this will be easy. Jake and laced will teach you ties that will have the same feels and technical requirements as a full suspension.
When progressing in one’s rope journey you will understand that there is a lot involved in doing floor work and partials.
It’s often perceived that partials are easy, and suspensions are the goal. This class aims to challenge this assumption and inspire both the model and rigger.
This class is open to all but riggers will need to have a good understanding of up-line management and be able to tie a solid chest harness (eg full 3 TK)
Models should have an understanding of their own body in ropes and be able communicate their requirements
It’s important to know your limits, whether as a rigger or model.
Each Nawa Musubi tie has been designed to give the same feels regardless of what stage you get with that tie.
And it’s really good to point out that Saturday ‘s class isn’t just for less experienced riggers/models, and Sunday’s for higher ones. Both days will test your skills and abilities.
There will also be ties that will have different variations on each day
Please reach out to us for any questions on the workshops and also to book and arrange payments. Used the button below to take you to our contact page.
Cost for this workshop is $260 per tying pair.